Cara Mengembalikan Settingan Windows Services

Cara Mengembalikan Settingan Windows Service

Windows Service adalah kumpulan layanan dari Windows yang berfungsi untuk menjalankan perintah perintah tertentu yang tersedia di sistem operasi Windows.

Pastinya anda tidak akan asing lagi dengan Windows Service jika ingin meningkatkan performa komputer Windows anda, karena biasanya orang mematikan Windows Service yang tidak diperlukan agar performa komputer menjadi lebih cepat.

Namun ada beberapa kendala jika anda mengubah setelan Windows Service tanpa membaca fungsi layanan tersebut atau asal menonaktifkan saja. Padahal Service itu penting juga dan mempengaruhi kinerja komputer sistem operasi Windows, sehingga bukannya mendapatkan performa lebih cepat tapi malah error karena telah menonaktifkan salah satu service.

Nah kali ini saya akan memberikan solusi jika anda mengalami error pada saat utak atik Windows Services. Caranya adalah mengembalikan pengaturan Windows Service seperti semula atau default.

Dan berikut beberapa cara mengembalikan pengaturan Windows Services seperti semula di Windows 10 maupun Windows 11.

Cara Mengembalikan Settingan Windows Service Sekali Klik

Jika anda lupa Services mana saja yang anda matikan dan apa pengaturan awalnya sebelum anda rubah, maka kita bisa gunakan sebuah script untuk mengubah Services Windows seperti semula.

Pertama kalian download dulu salah satu file atau script di bawah ini yang nantinya kita jalankan di perangkat windows.

Untuk menjalankannya, berikut cara mengembalikan settingan Windows Service dengan mudah sekali klik.

  1. Extract terlebih dahulu file yang sudah anda download.
  2. Selanjutnya tekan klik kanan pada file Restore_All_Windows_Services_to_Default.bat.
  3. Pilih tombol menu Run As Administrator.
    proses restore default windows services
  4. Tunggu proses script berjalan hingga selesai.
    settingan awal windows services
  5. Akan muncul tulisan “Windows Services Restored” yang tandanya Windows Services sudah berhasil dikembalikan seperti semula.

Daftar Windows Services Setelan Semula

Anda juga bisa mengembalikan setelan Windows Service seperti semula dengan melihat tabel yang akan kami berikan di bawah ini.

Service Display Name​
Service Name​
Default Status​
Default Startup Type​
ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV) AxInstSV Manual
AllJoyn Router Service AJRouter Manual (Trigger Start)
App Readiness AppReadiness Manual
Application Identity AppIDSvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Application Information Appinfo Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Application Layer Gateway Service ALG Manual
Application Management AppMgmt Manual
AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC) AppXSvc Running Manual (Trigger Start)
AssignedAccessManager Service AssignedAccessManagerSvc Automatic
Auto Time Zone Updater tzautoupdate Manual (Trigger Start)
AVCTP service BthAvctpSvc Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Background Intelligent Transfer Service BITS Manual
Background Tasks Infrastructure Service BrokerInfrastructure Running Automatic
Base Filtering Engine BFE Running Automatic
BitLocker Drive Encryption Service BDESVC Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Block Level Backup Engine Service wbengine Manual
Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service BTAGService Manual (Trigger Start)
Bluetooth Support Service bthserv Manual (Trigger Start)
BranchCache PeerDistSvc Manual
Capability Access Manager Service camsvc Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Cellular Time autotimesvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Certificate Propagation CertPropSvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Client License Service (ClipSVC) ClipSVC Manual (Trigger Start)
CNG Key Isolation KeyIso Running Manual (Trigger Start)
COM+ Event System EventSystem Running Automatic
COM+ System Application COMSysApp Manual
Computer Browser Browser Manual (Trigger Start)
Connected Devices Platform Service CDPSvc Running Automatic (Delayed Start, Trigger Start)
Connected User Experiences and Telemetry DiagTrack Running Automatic
Container Manager Service CmService Running Automatic (Trigger Start)
CoreMessaging CoreMessagingRegistrar Running Automatic
Credential Manager VaultSvc Running Manual
Cryptographic Services CryptSvc Running Automatic
Data Sharing Service DsSvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Data Usage DusmSvc Running Automatic
DCOM Server Process Launcher DcomLaunch Running Automatic
dcsvc dcsvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Delivery Optimization DoSvc Running Automatic (Delayed Start, Trigger Start)
Device Association Service DeviceAssociationService Running Automatic (Trigger Start)
Device Install Service DeviceInstall Manual (Trigger Start)
Device Management Enrollment Service DmEnrollmentSvc Manual
Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message Routing Service dmwappushservice Manual (Trigger Start)
Device Setup Manager DsmSvc Manual (Trigger Start)
DevQuery Background Discovery Broker DevQueryBroker Running Manual (Trigger Start)
DHCP Client Dhcp Running Automatic
Diagnostic Execution Service diagsvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Diagnostic Policy Service DPS Running Automatic
Diagnostic Service Host WdiServiceHost Manual
Diagnostic System Host WdiSystemHost Running Manual
DialogBlockingService DialogBlockingService Disabled
Display Enhancement Service DisplayEnhancementService Manual (Trigger Start)
Display Policy Service DispBrokerDesktopSvc Running Automatic
Distributed Link Tracking Client TrkWks Running Automatic
Distributed Transaction Coordinator MSDTC Manual
DNS Client Dnscache Running Automatic (Trigger Start)
Downloaded Maps Manager MapsBroker Automatic (Delayed Start)
Embedded Mode embeddedmode Manual (Trigger Start)
Encrypting File System (EFS) EFS Manual (Trigger Start)
Enterprise App Management Service EntAppSvc Manual
Extensible Authentication Protocol EapHost Manual
File History Service fhsvc Manual (Trigger Start)
FileSyncHelper FileSyncHelper Manual (Trigger Start)
Function Discovery Provider Host fdPHost Running Manual
Function Discovery Resource Publication FDResPub Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Geolocation Service lfsvc Running Manual (Trigger Start)
GraphicsPerfSvc GraphicsPerfSvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Group Policy Client gpsvc Running Automatic (Trigger Start)
Host Guardian Client Service HgClientService Manual (Trigger Start)
Host Network Service HNS Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Human Interface Device Service hidserv Running Manual (Trigger Start)
HV Host Service HvHost Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Hyper-V Data Exchange Service vmickvpexchange Manual (Trigger Start)
Hyper-V Guest Compute Service gcs Manual
Hyper-V Guest Service Interface vmicguestinterface Manual (Trigger Start)
Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service vmicshutdown Manual (Trigger Start)
Hyper-V Heartbeat Service vmicheartbeat Manual (Trigger Start)
Hyper-V Host Compute Service vmcompute Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Hyper-V PowerShell Direct Service vmicvmsession Manual (Trigger Start)
Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service vmicrdv Manual (Trigger Start)
Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service vmictimesync Manual (Trigger Start)
Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management vmms Running Automatic
Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor vmicvss Manual (Trigger Start)
IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules IKEEXT Manual (Trigger Start)
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) SharedAccess Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Inventory and Compatibility Appraisal service InventorySvc Running Manual
IP Helper iphlpsvc Running Automatic
IP Translation Configuration Service IpxlatCfgSvc Manual (Trigger Start)
IPsec Policy Agent PolicyAgent Manual (Trigger Start)
KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator KtmRm Manual (Trigger Start)
Language Experience Service LxpSvc Manual
Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper lltdsvc Manual
Local Profile Assistant Service wlpasvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Local Session Manager LSM Running Automatic
McpManagementService McpManagementService Manual
Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service Manual
Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant wlidsvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Microsoft App-V Client AppVClient Disabled
Microsoft Cloud Identity Service cloudidsvc Manual
Microsoft Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service WdNisSvc Running Manual
Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service WinDefend Running Automatic
Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service MSiSCSI Manual
Microsoft Keyboard Filter MsKeyboardFilter Disabled
Microsoft Passport NgcSvc Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Microsoft Passport Container NgcCtnrSvc Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider swprv Manual
Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP smphost Manual
Microsoft Store Install Service InstallService Running Manual
Microsoft Windows SMS Router Service. SmsRouter Manual (Trigger Start)
Natural Authentication NaturalAuthentication Manual (Trigger Start)
Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service NetTcpPortSharing Disabled
Netlogon Netlogon Manual
Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup NcdAutoSetup Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Network Connection Broker NcbService Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Network Connections Netman Manual
Network Connectivity Assistant NcaSvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Network List Service netprofm Running Manual
Network Location Awareness NlaSvc Manual
Network Setup Service NetSetupSvc Running Manual (Trigger Start)
Network Store Interface Service nsi Running Automatic
Network Virtualization Service nvagent Running Manual
OneDrive Updater Service OneDrive Updater Service Manual (Trigger Start)
OpenSSH Authentication Agent ssh-agent Disabled
Optimize drives defragsvc Manual
Parental Controls WpcMonSvc Manual
Payments and NFC/SE Manager SEMgrSvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Peer Name Resolution Protocol PNRPsvc Manual
Peer Networking Grouping p2psvc Manual
Peer Networking Identity Manager p2pimsvc Manual
Performance Counter DLL Host PerfHost Manual
Performance Logs & Alerts pla Manual
Phone Service PhoneSvc Manual (Trigger Start)
Plug and Play PlugPlay Running Manual
PNRP Machine Name Publication Service PNRPAutoReg Manual
Portable Device Enumerator Service WPDBusEnum Manual (Trigger Start)
Power Power Running Automatic
Print Spooler Spooler Running Automatic
Printer Extensions and Notifications PrintNotify Manual
Problem Reports Control Panel Support wercplsupport Manual
Program Compatibility Assistant Service PcaSvc Running Automatic (Delayed Start, Trigger Start)
Quality Windows Audio Video Experience QWAVE Manual
Radio Management Service RmSvc Running Manual
Recommended Troubleshooting Service TroubleshootingSvc Manual
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager RasAuto Manual
Remote Access Connection Manager RasMan Manual
Remote Desktop Configuration SessionEnv Manual
Remote Desktop Services TermService Manual
Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector UmRdpService Manual
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) RpcSs Running Automatic
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator RpcLocator Manual
Remote Registry RemoteRegistry Disabled
Retail Demo Service RetailDemo Manual
Routing and Remote Access RemoteAccess Disabled
RPC Endpoint Mapper RpcEptMapper Running Automatic
Secondary Logon seclogon Manual
Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service SstpSvc Manual
Windows Modules Installer

This requires taking ownership of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TrustedInstaller key in the registry first before you are allowed to merge this REG file.

TrustedInstaller Manual

Sumber Tabel : Elevenforum.

Untuk mengembalikan file cukup download link yang ada di kolom pertama tabel lalu jalankan seperti biasa dengan cara double klik atau klik kanan lalu run as administrator. Dan terakhir tinggal restart komputer setelah berhasil dijalankan.


Nah kira kira begitulah cara mengembalikan setting Windows Service seperti semula.

Cara ini harus anda terapkan ketika terjadi error ketika anda mengutak atik Windows Service dan malah terjadi error pada fitur fitur tertentu di komputer / laptop Windows anda.

Windows Services default ini bisa dijalankan di Windows 10 maupun Windows 11 karena memang hampir sama.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil.


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